Texas Speed LS3 Stage 2 Supercharged Camshaft

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SKU: 25-TSPLS3Stg2
Regular price $350.99

Product details

  • SKU 25-TSPLS3Stg2

TSP LS3 Stage 2 Supercharged Cam Specs: 227/235, .641"/.649", 114 LSA

The stage 2 LS3-B supercharged camshaft is a great mid duration camshaft for power applications from 2400rpm+.  This camshaft is designed to make big power gains on boost LS3, LSA, and L92 applications.  This camshaft is a perfect option for customers wanting a great all-around camshaft for supercharged LS3/LSA engines! Designed for LS3/LSA M6 cars or automatic cars with 2500rpm or larger stall converters, and the VVT/AFM delete kit (if applicable). We recommend this camshaft for LS3, LSA, or LS2 engines using L92/LS3 rectangle port cylinder heads!  

This camshaft was desgined for boost engines, but typical gains of approximately 60 rear wheel horsepower can be seen on stock LS3 cars without a supercharger!  These power gains make this camshaft a great option for people wanting to do a camshaft now & add a supercharger later down the road!


  • Engines best suited for: 227/235, .641"/.649", 114 LSA
  • Desired Compression ratio for cam: 10.0:1+
  • Recommended Springs Required: TSP/PAC Dual .660 Valve Spring
  • Aftermarket Stall Converter Required: Yes, 2500+
  • Upgraded Rear Gear Required: No
  • Operating RPM Range: 2000-6700
  • Estimated Power Increase: 60+
  • Drivability: Great drivability and is a good daily driver cam.

**This camshaft is only offered in a 3-bolt design, so if you have a single-bolt factory camshaft you will need to purchase a three-bolt conversion kit that will supply the correct 4x upper timing gear to supply the correct camshaft position signal, as well as the ARP camshaft bolt kit that will supply the three required bolts.  We also offer the conversion kit with a complete, upgraded timing set for those wanting to replace the entire set.**